All is Present

Super Smash Brothers Special

Who Are You???

It's me the creator

My name is Al. I exist, to an extent. I am mainly an artist with dreams for storytelling and animation, but a path to become a web designer person thing. I love art, main medium is digital or watercoloir, and I love animation and video games. One of my favorite game series is Super Smash Brothers, if not only for the Amiibo, but also for the fun of the game. I made this place, fun isnt it?

What Is This Cryptic Place????

This place started as a project to draw, but I knew I didn't have a strong enough want and or drive to draw every single character in the game. This then gave me the idea to draw all the characters but very poorly and on 200px by 200px canvas's. This was a fun idea, so I decided to do it, but it occured to me, "Where would I put them?" I thought it would be funny to make a poorly drawn smash brothers website, but I had no idea how to do that. Though I knew I may go to colege for something that would involve coding. It was stressing me out knowing nothing about coding, but knowing I would go to school for it, maybe. So I decided that there was no reason for me not to start, atleast trying to learn. So I started and after like 2 weeks of worked this lil mmm pupy was born. I know it's not much and is very basic, but I think it's neat.
I made this and I'm happy. It taught me the basics of html and css. I had fun making it, and now I dont feel so scared about my future. A special thanks to one of my best friends Hannah, for helping me with some of the stuff, my brother Brandon, for helping me with a few design aspects and the character descriptions, and a thanks to the billion tutorials that I looked at while making the website.